Nassau Harbour Upgrade

The aim of this project is to improve the safety and accessibility of Nassau’s harbour by; improving boat access for the Nassau-Pukapuka ferry and local fishing vessels, providing a concrete berth for the Taunga Nui shore barge, providing a raised concrete hardstand and seawalls to provide protection for swells.

The detailed design for the Nassau Harbour upgrade is complete and ICI is now planning the construction phase of this project. ICI is likely to utilise equipment from the Manihiki Airport project to minimise mobilisation costs and mange plant availability. The work is likely to start in quarter 2 of 2025.

The project will widen and deepen the existing channel in the reef and provide a new concrete wharf for the island barge to be secured to during unloading. A concrete boat ramp will be constructed, this will enable the Pukapuka / Nassau interisland ferry to be stored on Nassau. This will allow for emergency evacuations in the future if required.

Pukapuka Lagoon Jetties

Currently there are no jetties or wharves in the Pukapuka lagoon for unloading cargo from the inter-island freighters. The cargo is unloaded directly onto the sandy beach, this activity can be dangerous in rough conditions or when unloading heavy or large cargo. ICI is working with the Pukapukan community to design cargo landing and handling jetties within the lagoon. During the design phase the existing ocean side concrete jetty and the ocean passage will be investigated to determine if alterations are required.

Initial consultation with the Pukapukan community was completed in April 2024. ICI will take the initial feedback and develop a concept design. This will then be presented back to the community before finalising the detailed design. Funding for the construction phase of this project has not been allocated yet.