Towards a Lifecycle Approach for Managing Waste

Manihiki Airport Upgrade

Manihiki Airport Upgrade Customary owners and other interested parties are advised that Nimeti Nimeti, as Executive Officer of the Manihiki Island Administration, is now seeking High Court approval under the Infrastructure Act 2019 to allow works on the Manihiki Airport Upgrade to proceed on terms that have been provisionally considered by owners in Manihiki.All those […]

Manihiki Airport Upgrade

Manihiki also locally known as Te Fuinga o Niva, is a roughly triangular-shaped coral atoll made up of 43 islets or motu surrounding a deep, 9km wide lagoon almost completely enclosed by the surrounding reef. As with all other Northern Group atolls, Manihiki is susceptible to rising sea levels. The Cook Islands Government is advancing the project […]