Infrastructure explains roadblock in Muri
Tuesday 2 March 2021 | Written by Caleb Fotheringham | Published in Local Travellers wanting to get through Muri had to wait six hours or go around the island on Saturday. The road closure at Tamariki Drive was extended for six hours past the proposed timeframe. One person trying to get through, Emma McQuade said she arrived at […]
Manihiki Airport Upgrade
Manihiki also locally known as Te Fuinga o Niva, is a roughly triangular-shaped coral atoll made up of 43 islets or motu surrounding a deep, 9km wide lagoon almost completely enclosed by the surrounding reef. As with all other Northern Group atolls, Manihiki is susceptible to rising sea levels. The Cook Islands Government is advancing the project […]
The island of Mangaia also known as A’ua’u Enua is the Southern most island in the Cook Islands, one of the oldest islands in the Pacific, and the second largest island after Rarotonga. It circular in shape and surrounded by a high ring of of fossilised coral cliffs, known as the makatea. Project Updates Tamarua […]