Infrastructure Cook Islands
Te Tango Angaanga o te Kuki Airani
The Ministry endeavours to enrich our communities through quality infrastructure development

Find a Builder
Are you looking for a builder? Check out our list of builders registered for the Cook Islands.

Waste Fees
Find out about costs for tipping general waste and depositing recyclables

Road Excavation Permits
Do you need to cut the road seal? Click here to apply for a road excavation permit.

Manihiki Airport Upgrade
Read legal documentation for the Manihiki Airport project and check back here for project updates
Infrastructure Cook Islands (ICI) is responsible for much of the delivery of infrastructure policy and development throughout the country. Cook Islands infrastructure faces a wide range of challenges, including inadequte investment in maintenance, climate impacts, demographic changes, economic pressures and political mandate. Therefore, the role of ICI facilitating the right policy settings and developing infrastructure within tight fiscal envelopes is critical. We look to work smarter as a team in collaboration with other key stakeholders, in Rarotonga, the Pa Enua and beyond. We aim to deliver quality infrastructure planning, sound policies, and projects that will meet the needs and aspirations of our people.